Posts in category: Uncategorized
In the beginning…

It’s five years this week since Dave and I moved into Bluebell Cottage and I am still asked quite regularly how we ended up here. So here’s the story, with the benefit of the sharp perspective of a rear-view mirror.  Go on, you know you want to know… Dave and I ran an IT company together, […]

How to: put on a tree tie

It’s bare root planting season and if you do one thing this winter, plant a new tree.  I don’t buy the ‘my garden is too small for a tree’ nonsense. The floor space that the trunk of a small tree takes up is negligible. The shade it will cast is either too little to worry […]

Just a little longer…

We’ve been away for our annual winter break. It has become a Beesley tradition to plan to take a fortnight off, but for it to get whittled away at the edges until all that’s left is a three day break in Anglesey in a howling gale. This time we did it properly – a fortnight […]