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Identity update

A few days ago I posted a query about the identity of a plant we thought was a Daphne. Turns out it is Lonicera syringantha. The key is that the flowers emerge in twos from the leaf axil. Try googling it yourself and comparing with the picture a few entries below. Another correction – I […]

A day in the life of a nursery owner

I’m living the life that many gardeners dream of. My Dad tells me I look happier than I have done for years and I am. I spend all day handling, propagating, identifying, weeding, presenting, studying, selling and talking about plants. I’m learning more each day than I have for years – and it’s great. But […]

From famine to feast

In March I was getting 3 customers a day and was worried that no-one would come. Now we’re so busy I’m worried about selling out of plants before we close in September. OK, so it’s the right problem to have, but it’s a genuine concern. I moved in too late to buy new supplies wholesale […]