The pulmonarias have all but finished. The Camassias and most of the Primulas are also past their best although the Dicentras are still glowing in the shade tunnel.

Now it’s the turn of the Ajugas, Tiarellas and hardy Geraniums, starting with the phaeum group which have been flowering in shades of purple and dark pink for a couple of weeks. Chatto is in flower as is the new AGM ‘Elizabeth Ann’ with it’s warm purple foliage and pink flowers.

Talking of pink and chocolate contrasts, I’ve really taken to Tiarellas. This is Pink Bouquet and it looks fabulous against the bronzey, milk-chocolate leaves of Cryptotaenia japonica ‘Atropururea’.

A deep blue Ajuga underplanted around an apple tree.

Lonicera caprifolia is unscented, but has the most beautiful form as new stems and creamy-white flowers emerge through the centre of the leaf below (perfoliate).

Dave has taken quite a liking to Auriculas – this one is a green-edged fancy, he tells me.