Posts in category: comment the eternal rocks beneath…

Joy, tears and frustration, just as it should be. Well done ITV. An adaptation is always an adaptation, but I was captured. Joy and tears watching Wuthering Heights unfold beautifully on TV, for once. Frustration because I forgot to record the second part on Monday night. OK. I know I can watch it online but […]

Wuthering Hopes

I fell for the bleak beauty of Emily Bronte’s masterpiece as a love-lorn teenager, despite being required to read it for the ‘O’ level English Literature syllabus. It has stood up to multiple re-readings as an adult and I still think it the greatest novel I’ve ever read. I’ve followed many radio/tv/cinema adaptations over the […]

A little moment of calm.

In Jon McGregor’s beautiful little book ‘If no-one speaks of remarkable things’, he describes a pause in the middle of the night between the end of one day and the beginning of the new. A moment after the last club closes and before the milkman steps out. When the late night minicab driver has gone […]