Posts in category: nursery
Freebies and bargains.

Firstly the freebies – Two small greenhouses, one wood, one aluminium. Structurally OK, but need cleaning and some new glass. We’ll help dismantle and can deliver locally if need be. Pics to follow. We’re clearing out the boxes of seeds collected at the nursery between 2004 and 2008. All labelled and we’re giving them away […]

Back in harness

I took a bit of time out last week: after a hectic spring, three weeks at Tatton Show and a ten day sprint to our NGS day I was ready for a break. So, high rollers that we are, on Tuesday we went to Marbury Park (about 5 miles away) and walked to the Anderton […]

Manic May

No time to grab the camera despite the gorgeous light. May’s sunshine has brought a flood of group visits, photography days, streams of visitors and plants flying out of the door at a rate of knots. I’ve been frantically restocking the tea room with clean mugs, biscuits and ice-cream and just as frantically keeping the […]