We’ve been enjoying a 10 day mild spell, warm enough for t-shirts during the day and with overnight temperatures well above freezing. But it can turn in a few hours at this time of year, so it’s time to get the greenhouse insulated and sort out the hardy from the less so. The greenhouse is in a poor location, near the bottom of the nursery in a cold spot, so I’ve lined the bottom of the greenhouse with sheets of polystyrene and will line the top with bubble-wrap. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep it above freezing with minimal heat input.

Since the nursery specialises in hardy plants, in theory there is nothing to protect, but I’m sure I’m not the only nursery owner with a self-indulgent collection of plants which need a little more tlc. The larger plants that I bought for Tatton Show will have to take their chances in the polytunnels or outside, but I’ll bring in the Colcasias, Cannas, Aeoniums etc. I’ve read that Cyperus papyrus needs winter temperatures of 15C to induce new shoots to grow, so I’ve no expectations that it will come through.

Dave and I brought in the apple crop on Sunday; a big bucketful of perfect, crisp Spartans, several barrow loads of Bramleys, a few Russets and a basket of a hybrid cooker/eater with the prettiest pink skin. We put several trays out on the canal to give away – it was great fun watching boats chug past, stop and moor up and then hearing people fill bags and chat with one another about what a welcome find it was. We still have tons left to store somehow.