Browsing archived posts:
So long Berryfields…

GW moves to new location I never did take to Berryfields – it always looked a bit uninviting. Oddly cold and gloomy. Too big and too many problems to solve. The garden effectively dominated the agenda. With a new location the producers should be able to shape the programme exactly as they wish. Let’s see…

New season, new term

A dry, frost-free week meant we are finally making real headway on the ‘to-do’ list. Although there is time left before we open, walking past endless outstanding jobs leaves me in an almost continuous state of low-level stress. So, a good week takes the pressure off a bit. Janet and Tracey have all but finished […]

No GW till April!?!? Protest here….

It is simply incomprehensible that we will get no proper weekly GW on the Beeb till April 10th (Good Friday). By then the GW garden at Berryfields will be full of produce growing away merrily, having been sown weeks before in ground prepared over winter when the programme was off air. How dispiriting for people […]

Exams over, and winter too?

Two RHS Diploma exams in two days have left my head spinning with ecosystems, business finance, garden restoration and hard landscaping techniques. All good stuff, but a lot to cram into consecutive days. With the academic stuff out of the way, it’s boots back on tomorrow and getting stuck into digging over the proposed new […]

Calling Gemma….

Calling Gemma Burrows – are you out there somewhere? Do get in touch if you are. The new season beckons….