It is simply incomprehensible that we will get no proper weekly GW on the Beeb till April 10th (Good Friday). By then the GW garden at Berryfields will be full of produce growing away merrily, having been sown weeks before in ground prepared over winter when the programme was off air. How dispiriting for people to tune in, only to find out that they are already behind on the action.

Is GW for gardeners, or for people who wake up on Good Friday morning, realise the sun is shining and gingerly step on their patch of mud for the first time that year? What are they supposed to do – rush out on Easter Saturday, join the long queues to buy plants and compost and transform their gardens in one weekend? Gardening is for life, not just for Easter.

Anyway, my friends and fellow boarders on the BBC GW message board have set about putting matters right with our own virtual Friday night programme. Plan is to run it every Friday at 8pm. Do join in – it’s a fully interactive programme.

Virtual GW. Join us here

And if you think that a proper weekly topical Gardener’s World should be on from at least the beginning of March, please leave a comment. Well, you never know…