Posts in category: climate
A magical hot bath making machine or an economically ruinous bit of political posturing?

I heard someone on the radio this morning sounding ominous notes about how Gordon Brown’s COP15 commitment to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions would cost the economy dear. And yesterday even Saint Polly of Toynbee threw in the towel. You know the argument – tackling climate change means we’ll all have to freeze in dingy […]

The year quietly turns…

December is a struggle. The alarm goes off at about 7am, (I know, that’s not early…) and my eyes immediately register that it is black outside and therefore surely still the middle of the night. If I really have to get up, I can. But it feels all wrong – the glowing clock’s mindless insistence […]

Can someone check the Gulf Stream, please?

It’s only the 6th December and we’ve already had 7 nights of sub zero temperatures so far here in Cheshire. The greenhouse is holding up with the help of a valiant little fan heater, but the polytunnels have frozen over twice. One model of climate change predicts that the Gulf Stream will slow down, bringing […]