Posts in category: RHS Diploma
Where were we?

It’s hard to know where to start when I’ve not updated the blog for three weeks. On Sunday we closed the garden and nursery for the winter – always a moment of mixed emotions. The place softens at the edges when we aren’t open as we don’t trouble with appearances so much, and a stillness […]

Embarrassing dreams

My RHS Diploma practical results are due any day and I must be subconsciously more jittery about it than I’m prepared to admit. Last night I dreamt I’d got the results through and though I’d scraped a pass, I got 0/100 on one of the papers – not one I remembered sitting. One question was […]

Exams over, and winter too?

Two RHS Diploma exams in two days have left my head spinning with ecosystems, business finance, garden restoration and hard landscaping techniques. All good stuff, but a lot to cram into consecutive days. With the academic stuff out of the way, it’s boots back on tomorrow and getting stuck into digging over the proposed new […]

And then it was autumn…

I’ve been away since Monday, filming the Gardener of the Decade competition at the Eden Project. No more on that of course for now – it’s scheduled for broadcast on the 12th December. But while I’ve been away autumn has sneaked in. A cool mist trailed over the garden this morning, pulling the spiders webs […]