Posts in category: how to
Where were we?

It’s hard to know where to start when I’ve not updated the blog for three weeks. On Sunday we closed the garden and nursery for the winter – always a moment of mixed emotions. The place softens at the edges when we aren’t open as we don’t trouble with appearances so much, and a stillness […]

More Channel M videos…

On deadheading and feeding baskets: And great perennials for wildlife: If you’re an experienced gardener you’ll probably find these rather basic. The aim is to add a spot of gardening into a wider ‘magazine’ style programme and deliver clear and straightforward advice in a 4 minute spot.

First Channel M broadcast…

My first weekly spot on Channel M went out last night – not bad for my first self-scripted and presenter-led broadcast! Looks like I’m getting a regular slot on Mondays. Click here for Channel M’s site….