Browsing archived posts:
A sprint update

No time for details – here’s the summary: – Saturday was fine – got lots done – Sunday was miserable – rained all day. Still got lots done, but struggled with the wet and gloom – Monday – fabulous. Almost finished planting. BBC came to film an extract for the BBC Gardener of the Year […]

Rained off and brassed off

Although it was a bit drizzly this morning, we took two car loads of plants to Tatton to start planting. By the time we arrived the rain was persistent and it just got heavier as the morning wore on. We gave up at lunchtime and came back – Debbie and Hazel gamefully attempted to make […]

First build day at Tatton Show

Today went really well – it rained as we arrived and as we got in the van to leave and not once in between. We must be charmed. I’ve posted some pictures onto the RHS Tatton blog site – so to save me uploading twice, here’s the link Link to Tatton photos