Although it was a bit drizzly this morning, we took two car loads of plants to Tatton to start planting. By the time we arrived the rain was persistent and it just got heavier as the morning wore on. We gave up at lunchtime and came back – Debbie and Hazel gamefully attempted to make progress but there was little we could productively do.

Jeremy from Bollin Rigging arrived to fit the sail and gamely did so under trying conditions. My only concern is that after we left the wind picked up significantly and I had left the sail up. We had planned to go back with a delivery of gravel later and take it down, but Friday night traffic and a smash on the M6 left us stuck in Warrington. Hazel and I had a frustrating three hour round trip for sand, gravel and cushions. I sat in the van, watching the trees bending in the wind, wondering what state the garden and the plants we left there are in. We’ll find out tomorrow – if they let us on the site! With over half an inch of rain today I’m fully expecting there to be significant problems with site access.