Browsing archived posts:
High speed update

The bluebells are out and so are our visitors, flocking to see us in astonishing numbers. It was our NGS day at the weekend and we raised £1,000 – not bad for a little place. Today’s propagation workshop was booked up weeks ago and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves – like big kids in a […]

Clarifications and corrections…..

To the couple who bought a Dahlia ‘Bishop of Auckland’ a couple of weeks back. We somehow managed to get the tuber batch labels mixed up and now that they are sending up shoots I’m certain it is Dahlia ‘Honka’. If you read this, do drop by for a swap. Sorry! To the couple who […]

Blogging from Martin Mere

Armed with my new iPhone, I thought I’d have a go at remote blogging. I’m at Martin Mere Wildfowl TReserve in Lancashire at a plant fair along with six other specialist nurseries. The weather is perfect,swallows are zipping overhead and the company is great. I’ll try and post a picture in a mo.

Sunshine and swallows

Three beautiful days have brought the Pulsatillas into full flower, helped the germination rate in the greenhouse no end and given me a bit of a watering headache. The frogspawn is now a writhing mass of tadpoles. And we’ve spotted the first swallows on the phone wires on the lane, about two weeks earlier than […]