Monday night’s welcome downpour has brought the garden to life with an almost instant greening effect. I spent Wednesday lifting a final batch of plants for division and it was easy work – the soil felt soft and giving, roots falling away from soil effortlessly.

The greenhouse is stuffed with germinating seeds, amongst which are a few little treasures I’ve never grown before from seed – Orlaya grandiflora, Ammi majus, Lobelia tupa, Salvia patens and Rudbeckia maxima. All sown in peat free compost with a bit of vermiculite on top and all germinated beautifully. I’m especially excited about the Orlaya and the Ammi – I’ve tried both before, sown in autumn as recommended and got nowhere. These were all sown straight from the packet three weeks ago, and hey presto, seedlings.

The veg plot is coming on a treat too and is proving a hit with visitors who are eager to see what we are doing and share tips. The early peas are in now. The only problem so far is the parsnips – if they’ve germinated I can’t tell them from the weeds!

A chicken update – our Copper Black has gone broody. Trouble is we sent next door’s cockerel packing a few weeks ago, so she’s sitting on infertile eggs. We’re going to do a bit of egg swapping at the weekend to track down some fertile ones for her to sit on instead and see how she gets on.