Browsing archived posts:
Just a note…

A note to myself to remind me that:– the Catalpa is in flower – I’ve never seen it flower before, so I’m interested to see what happens– after the deep cold of last winter, I only lost two Pittosporums and three tree ferns. Everything else I thought was dead has re-sprouted. Buddleias, Bay laurel, Arbutus […]

Thunderstorms and blowing a hooley. Must be Tatton build week….

I love Tatton Show. It’s only a few miles away from home and set in a gorgeous natural amphitheatre of open parkland. It’s a spacious, creative, innovative and community minded show and I wouldn’t miss it for anything. But by some stroke of fate for the past four years the eight days that I’ve spent […]

Tatton Show beckons…

June has slipped by in a blur of sunshine, never-ending watering and a near-continuous stream of garden visitors enjoying the glorious summer. The garden has never looked better and it’s been lovely to hear people’s positive comments and to see them getting such pleasure from being in it. We don’t do much sitting out in […]