A note to myself to remind me that:
– the Catalpa is in flower – I’ve never seen it flower before, so I’m interested to see what happens
– after the deep cold of last winter, I only lost two Pittosporums and three tree ferns. Everything else I thought was dead has re-sprouted. Buddleias, Bay laurel, Arbutus unedo, Musa basjoo, Tetrapanax, Paulownia, Cycas revoluta, even Strobilanthes. I can now say that every herbaceous plant in the ground has come through fine with minimal or no protection which is pleasingly reasurring.

The feel of the garden has changed while I’ve been at Tatton Show. It has ripened and matured, sagging gently at the edges like a plump aunt settling into a comfy armchair. In June it looked taut and pert and somehow I missed the transition. It seems quite transformed now and I like it. James Alexander-Sinclair described it in the August edition of GW Magazine as a ‘post-coital cigarette’ feeling. How did he get away with that!