Browsing archived posts:
In need of some creative space

People who know me well will say that I’m a talkative sort. But several weeks of meeting new people, telling our story and answering questions has left me talked out. My appearance on GW has given me just a small taste of what it is like to be in the public eye for a while […]

My radio debut on Cheshire FM

Well, it wasn’t strictly speaking a debut, since I was interviewed over the phone on live radio a few months ago by Johnny Amos for Radio Northamptonshire, but tonight I did my first studio broadcast for Cheshire FM. Thanks to Diana for making me very welcome and for the fascinating introduction to the world of […]

So much to say, so little time

Everything is happening so fast, I can barely catch breath, let alone blog. Our two first coach groups came and went on Friday and were a delight to host. Hello to my guests from Papplewick and Norfolk and thank you all for visiting. Even the lane logistics worked out fine, with the first coach leaving […]

A little fraught…

Our busiest weekend yet ended in a watery deluge late Sunday afternoon, accompanied by a visit from some friends, so we all sat in the tea-room and watched the flood waters sweep past the door. We abandoned the nursery for the day, but at least I was spared the watering for once! I have a […]