Our busiest weekend yet ended in a watery deluge late Sunday afternoon, accompanied by a visit from some friends, so we all sat in the tea-room and watched the flood waters sweep past the door. We abandoned the nursery for the day, but at least I was spared the watering for once!

I have a photography group booked tomorrow, and two tour groups booked for Friday, so my hospitality capabilities will be thoroughly tested. Today has been a round of buying food, collecting projectors and additional crockery and re-arranging the tea-room. It’s 8pm and I still need to go and collect the projector screen. The forecast is not good for tomorrow, so the group might end up indoors more than planned – but it will all work out fine.

The PAYE year end is also imminent – I have my on-line employer details through and need to tackle that tonight. And I’m on the hour-long college drop-off trip tomorrow morning before the photographer arrives at 8.30am.

The deadline for my Tatton brief is looming, so we squeezed in a speedy team briefing session today on the design. Deb is going to tackle the drawing for me – I suspect it will be somewhat better than my sub ‘O’ level standard attempt.

Plus I just have to get back to college on Thursdays or I stand no chance of passing Module A of my RHS Advanced. So things are a little frantic – but I still found time to blog, so it can’t be that bad can it :-) (But I’m still multi-tasking – tea is cooking as I type…)