Browsing archived posts:
Rain, glorious rain

Someone must be smiling on me. After a totally dry month we had soft rain all day on Monday, enough to slowly wet the garden through. Then, after a day of fill-in planting and weeding on Tuesday it rained all night. As if by magic, the garden has turned greener in a day. Leaves have […]

A new start.

Today marked an important step forward with the arrival of my new Head Gardener. Debbie Rees brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge that the garden, nursery and I will all benefit from. Adding Debbie to the knowledge and expertise here already through Janet, Peter and Mary, we should be set up to […]


To my great delight I was invited to the Great Budworth Garden Club tonight for a talk by David Howard, head gardener of Highgrove. He is something of a character and a truly dedicated plantsman. I think I was most impressed with his strong sense of the interconnectedness between plants, soil, weather, seasons and animals. […]