The days are flying past and I’ve barely enough time to think straight, let along blog. But here is a quick catch up…

Last weekend I set up a new display table of Pulmonarias and Erythroniums. It’s been popular with visitors but also very educational for me to compare varieties of these beautiful early spring plants. I’ve found 10 varieties on the nursery so far – these are my current favourites:

P. rubra ‘David Ward’ is striking and lovely, though it does tend to die back a bit and go brown if it gets dry.
P. ‘Victorian Brooch’. Great flower colour and the leaves last all summer if the plant stays moist.
Mrs Kittle – a pretty blue-ish white and vey floriferous.
This is one of the best Pulmonarias I have – and it is unlabelled. It’s not Blue Ensign (see below).
P. ‘Blue Ensign’. Brilliant blue flowers, soft green foliage.

Peter has worked his magic in the grasses garden and Janet has finished weeding the scree bed. We are all agreed that this area has gone past its best and perhaps is prime candidate for a re-vamp.

The tea room has a new wooden floor and is now painted a smart blue (Peter says it looks like a beach hut). It will be open tomorrow, albeit on a fairly rudimentary basis, for self-service tea, coffee, ice-cream and cakes.

My smart new AA signs are up – and now that people are finding us I’ve stopped worrying about nobody coming and started worrying about running out of plants….