Browsing archived posts:
Planting up a container on Channel M

My latest Channel M video on planting up a winter container. I quite like this one – perhaps because I watched it with the sound turned down!

How do I love thee, (Autumn),

Let me count the ways: 60 plants in flower12 grasses in flower, or seed heads11 plants with colourful berries/hips18 plants with striking autumn colour And that’s not counting the ones with the odd single flower still just about hanging on, like the Lychnis coronaria, or evergreens and conifers, or plants which haven’t started to turn […]

ILove my IPhone..

I didn’t want one. I thought it would be too big, too delicate to carry around in the garden, and I was sure email and web on it would be unusable, just like Windows CE. I was wrong and I repent. I love its slidy screen, the pop up touch keyboard, the built in satnav, […]

Channel M latest – lawn care

More videos from me on Channel M Autumn Lawn care video

Sweet, smoky October

What a month of contradictions October is. My breath drifted ahead of me on my morning stroll to let the chickens out and I left a trail of smudged footprints in the heavy dew on the lawn. Yet by mid afternoon the sun was strong enough to have me stripped to a t-shirt, sweating over […]

Where were we?

It’s hard to know where to start when I’ve not updated the blog for three weeks. On Sunday we closed the garden and nursery for the winter – always a moment of mixed emotions. The place softens at the edges when we aren’t open as we don’t trouble with appearances so much, and a stillness […]