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Live from Chelsea!

A sharp shower has sent me scurrying for cover and coffee and a welcome chance to blog. Chelsea is as classy as ever – I’m surrounded by well-dressed women and listening to a constant sound track of flettened vowels – but there’s a welcome sense of self-awareness and humour. The banker’s garden, with its monopoly […]

Malvern confessional..

OK, here it is. The full list: 1.Trillium grandiflorum ‘Snowbunting’. I missed out on this double form last year but bought Chris Cooke’s penultimate specimen. He got a well deserved Gold medal too, but no mention on tonight’s TV coverage. Shame.2.Podyphyllum delavayi3.Podyphyllum pleianthemum4.Arisaema sikkokianum5.Arisaema thunbergii Urashima6.Echium russicum – for the scree garden. We’ll find out […]

Blogging from Malvern Show!

It’s only 10.30 and I’ve all but blown my plant buying budget at Malvern Show. We made a beeline for the floral marquee aiming to add to our Arisaema, Trillium and Podyphyllum collection. Our additions include Trillim grandiflorum ‘Snowbunting’ – a double White from Chris Cooke, two new Podyphyllums from Barracott Plants, two Arisaemas from […]