OK, here it is. The full list:

1.Trillium grandiflorum ‘Snowbunting’. I missed out on this double form last year but bought Chris Cooke’s penultimate specimen. He got a well deserved Gold medal too, but no mention on tonight’s TV coverage. Shame.
2.Podyphyllum delavayi
3.Podyphyllum pleianthemum
4.Arisaema sikkokianum
5.Arisaema thunbergii Urashima
6.Echium russicum – for the scree garden. We’ll find out how hardy it is or isn’t.
7.Fritillaria camschatcensis Black form. Bought one last year and it’s gone missing.
8.Epimedium ‘Amber Queen’
9/10/11. Three Auriculas – ‘Lucy Locket’, ‘Martin Luther King’ and ‘Carreras’

A short, but somewhat expensive list – and all well worth it I think.

Oh, we bought the giant corkscrew (see below) and I bought an English Tools 1950’s ‘Dreadnought’ garden fork. Pete brings his into work sometimes – it was his grandfather’s and I’ve envied it from the first so I was chuffed to find one at the Vintage Tools stall. It’s beautifully balanced, wooden ‘T’ handled and sharp pronged. I bought a matching spade too – the blade is almost flat, unlike our modern curved ones, which means you can cut borders or lift turf evenly.

I spotted several plants I’d like, but two in particular for the nursery for next year – Astrantia ‘Gill Richardson’ on some of the nursery stalls and Polemonium ‘Bressingham Purple’ on Teresa Rham’s garden. Both great looking plants.