Browsing archived posts:
Plant list at last!

Finally, I have published a plant list for 2008. Everything listed is either out on the nursery, growing on, or in propagation and will be ready this year. I may have just a few, or 100’s and they may be fully grown or just babies, so please don’t drive 50 miles for a plant only […]

Out with the fleece again…

Frost is forecast again for the next three nights. Now that plants have started growing strongly, this is not great news, especially for all the new young plants which have been potted up and are now in the polytunnel with no doors on (they blew down in the gales). So, it’s back to fleece, polystyrene […]

Calm before the storm

With storms and high winds predicted for tonight, today was oddly calm and sunny, with just the occasional threatening cloud and a few icy spots of rain. In the sunshine it was T-shirt weather and Dave and I had a clear up around the nursery entrance, getting rid of old paving slabs and rubbish from […]