With the departure of Debbie for pastures new, we’ve had a bit of a swap about of roles. Janet and I are now ‘job-sharing’ the running of the nursery (she runs it on Wednesdays and Thursdays with help from Tracey, I run it on Friday, Saturday and Sunday). This frees me for the garden on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with Peter. Since the gardens are now largely under control after Debbie’s mammoth winter clear up, I think we’ll cope fine.

So, with the nursery now ready for opening and in Janet’s capable hands, I have spent two very happy days in the garden, finishing weeding the new borders and tidying up established borders ready for mulching. The new trailer on the mower takes about 6 barrow loads of mulch into the garden in one go, so Peter is cracking through it now – just as well really, there’s 20 tons of it to shift….

But if we have any tulips left to plant in the new borders it will be a miracle. We planted them in pots in autumn so that they could be transplanted when the borders were ready, but the mice have decimated them. There’s no messing about with ‘capture alive’ traps now, I’m afraid. They get one lick of a bit of chocolate or cheese and it’s curtains. I’ve caught about 12 in a week. And very fat they were too, gorged silly on my tulip bulbs.