Ok Dad, the long awaited tea room picture. There’s still a bit of finishing off to do around the edges, but it’s clean, bigger and operational. Outside has had one rough coat of paint – all we need now is a consistently dry, frost-free spell(!) and we can get it finished. Or maybe we’ll just wait until you both come up….

Between very heavy downpours I’ve been slowly making progress planting up the new beds. The idea is a core planting of grasses and perennials topped up initially with tulips and alliums and later with hardy annuals. I sowed most of the annuals last weekend and have kept back some for direct sowing. The greenhouse is a haze of new shoots. There is a bit of a pattern in the planting which carries through across the paths and through the other bed, though the borders are not symmetrical. It will be interesting to see whether the pattern emerges or vanishes as the plants grow on. Although the bed nearest to the camera is nearly finished, I’ve barely started the other one which will take at least a week to plant. I’ll take better picture when the sun comes out!