Frost is forecast again for the next three nights. Now that plants have started growing strongly, this is not great news, especially for all the new young plants which have been potted up and are now in the polytunnel with no doors on (they blew down in the gales). So, it’s back to fleece, polystyrene and bubble wrap.

The nursery is open now and the AA signs are up. A trickle of customers are wandering in to see what we’ve got and say hello, which is lovely. The tea room is almost ready – another hour of cleaning up and setting out should do it. I’ll post some pictures when it’s done. It’s not exactly Bents (the poshest Garden Centre in the region with a very grand tea room indeed), but it’s much better than it was – and yes you can still help yourself to tea and biscuits!

Anyway, must dash. I’ve been doing a regular monthly spot on Cheshire FM on Sunday evenings at 9pm with Diana Tackley – I’m back on tonight and I need to have a little think about topics to talk about, not that there’s any shortage this time of year!