I mentioned on an earlier post that I was working on a complete garden redesign for a client in Knutsford, based loosely on the garden I did for Tatton Show. It’s nearly finished now, so I thought I’d share some more pictures with you. I still have a bit of planting to do, some painting to finish off and naturally the plants need to grow on a bit to soften all the hard landscaping. Along with some neighbouring gardens the garden will be open as part of a charity fund raising project later in the year – dates to be posted later.

The whole project has been interesting to do and personally challenging. But each time I go back there I do feel that it looks right and meets the original brief – a space to entertain others and relax after work, low maintenance and useable all year round and much lighter, especially near the house. We’ve retained many of the original plants to help with maturity. It’ll be great to see it in midsummer when the planting has got going properly.