Today marked an important step forward with the arrival of my new Head Gardener. Debbie Rees brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge that the garden, nursery and I will all benefit from. Adding Debbie to the knowledge and expertise here already through Janet, Peter and Mary, we should be set up to make great progress. But there’s little time for planning and musing on the future for the moment as we have a 10 day sprint ahead to get the garden ready for the NGS day on the 28th April.

Quite apart from getting the garden ready I need to make final plans for parking, catering, ticketing, posters and especially access control on the single track lane. I’ve been advised to expect about 500 people and with two blind spots and few passing places it could be a nightmare if we don’t get it right. My well-informed neighbours have advised me to consult the police tomorrow. Then there’s just signage, ice-creams, cold drinks and the all important garden information leaflet to produce. And two sets of visitors at the weekend. It is going to be a frantic week.