We hosted our first RHS course today – Creative Flower Photography I, led by Andrew Williams. 12 very friendly and enthusiastic attendees turned up – a full house. The rain stayed away, the garden performed beautifully and I think everyone gained something from the day. With their kind permission, here are some of the group, at the end of a long day behind the viewfinder.

In truth, I could have done with attending myself. Although some of my photos turn out OK, I could do with some help on technique. I did pick Andrew’s brains at the end and extracted a few gems of advice, plus a wish list of camera gadgets as well, of course! Pity my birthday is not until September…

Here’s my one picture of the day. Equisetum hymenale. In close up this looks more like a piece of Gaudi architecture than a plant.

And this one is just for fun, but I rather like it.

And this one is plain silly…