Everything is happening so fast, I can barely catch breath, let alone blog. Our two first coach groups came and went on Friday and were a delight to host. Hello to my guests from Papplewick and Norfolk and thank you all for visiting.

Even the lane logistics worked out fine, with the first coach leaving the narrow lane just 10 minutes before the second arrived. Just as well since each coach completely filled the road, brushing the hedge on both sides. The only problem was that the first coach just misjudged the canal bridge and lightly scraped the tarmac before raising the suspension to maximum. This has not gone unnoticed by my very observant neighbours!

The Norfolk group won the ident question, which was indeed Calycanthus occidentalis, or Allspice. Honours go to Brian – thank you!

I have loads of pictures to upload but must write my all-important Tatton show brief tonight. Or perhaps I’ll watch the Chelsea show coverage instead… Back soon!