We have two large polytunnels which are closed to customers, mainly because they contain a depressingly large number of plants (about 5,000) which are the last of those we inherited with the place and haven’t yet had time to clean up. But we are watering them regularly and every few days something wonderful emerges from a pot, completely unscathed by its brush with weeds and neglect. Here’s this week’s top recovery, Iris chrysographes – possibly ‘Black Knight’.

However we can’t rely on chance recoveries so we are also keeping up the supply of new plants as well – this week’s delivery to the nursery included Mathiasella Bupleuroides ‘Green Dream’, Colocasia ‘Black Magic’ and some more Papaver ‘Patty’s Plum’. But you’ll have to wait for a few weeks as they are just babies and need to grow on a bit. One plant I brought with me (see the picture below) and immediately bought in a stock of way back in March is Primula vialli. Unlike most primulas this one can’t stand winter wet – it rots the crown. But I think it’s worth trying – I just love the way the flower spike slowly turns from red to purple as it opens up.