People who know me well will say that I’m a talkative sort. But several weeks of meeting new people, telling our story and answering questions has left me talked out. My appearance on GW has given me just a small taste of what it is like to be in the public eye for a while and it is strange indeed. All of a sudden many people find me more interesting than they feel they are and look to me for insight and inspiration. For my part I remain the same uncertain, experimenting, person I have always been, still learning about what I’m doing and working things out as I go along, so this new attention seems somehow misplaced. Each time someone approaches me I worry that I won’t be able to answer their request adequately or will be ‘caught out’ somehow.

So I feel a fairly desperate need not to speak about the nursery or myself for a short while, to recharge the batteries and refresh my flagging spirits. Tomorrow I’m going to take myself off tomorrow to go inspiration seeking and plant hunting for Tatton show. It’s time to switch on the creative drive and for that I need to open up some mental space. Back on Thursday….