To two wonderful Message Board friends, Margi and Plocket, along with Seedling and LP who dropped in today just in time for a cloudburst at the end of a glorious day. Despite the rain, the grown-ups enjoyed a serious clem-fest while the small people went fairy hunting under the arches in the garden.

I’ve recently ‘discovered’ herbaceous Clematis and am quite captivated. This is an integrifolia, but we’re not sure which one.

We had thought this was C. recta ‘Purpurea’, but since our one has kept its purple stem colour, we aren’t so certain.
It is absolutely stunning.

This is any one of a number of summer flowering beauties now adorning the garden.

A few other gems caught my eye today. The silver foliage is Petasites paradoxus and is the perfect foliage for Allium christophii.

Persicaria bistorta ‘Superba’ is the perfect border plant – I love it.