Our second NGS day of the year is marching unstoppably towards me, so I’ve been whizzing round the garden, filling in gaps, dead-heading here and there and fretting over the proliferation of dandelions in the lawn. The field across the road froths with their seed heads each spring – I don’t stand a chance. I could inch my way across the grass with one of those special dandelion uprooter things, but I think there are about 3,000 of the perishers, and I have a very low boredom threshold. So far we’ve managed 3 and a half years without chemicals in the nursery and garden, but the dandelions are weakening me.

Going round the garden with a medium toothcomb has given me chance to see what’s looking lovely – here’s a snapshot, literally. First up is the Catalpa in flower – it’s quite foxglovish.

The light underneath this tree is quite magical. The leaves only emerge at the end of the branches, creating an almost perfect dome of gold leaves, filtering a rich honeyed light beneath it.

Much has been made of the comparative hardiness of Echinaceas lately. This is Green Envy. It’s been in the garden for two years, and come through two very cold winters – down to -15C. The soil is light, but even so, I’m impressed. The pale one behind it is Fragrant Angel which has also done well.

Finally, Hemerocallis ‘Marion Vaughn’. A gorgeous creamy yellow with huge flowers, and a floriferous habit. Don’t know why it didn’t go like hot cakes last year. I love it.

P.S. I’ve changed the template for this blog. It looks a bit bright, a bit tellytubbies to me. Not sure if I like it. Opinions please

P.P.S. Ben Chester where are you? I can’t find whatever I wrote your email address on and I’ve searched for you on Facebook under every variation of your name plus Pizza plus Hut and failed. Do get in touch….