To the couple who bought a Dahlia ‘Bishop of Auckland’ a couple of weeks back. We somehow managed to get the tuber batch labels mixed up and now that they are sending up shoots I’m certain it is Dahlia ‘Honka’. If you read this, do drop by for a swap. Sorry!

To the couple who asked for a piece of Lamium orvale and I said I thought it was a bit invasive. It isn’t. If the piece of rooted material I dug up for you isn’t it, please drop in for some seed later in the year.

To the man who wanted to know what the tulip in the scree bed is – it’s Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha.

To anyone who has bought Geranium himalayense ‘Plenum’. Really sorry but these have started flowering in the tunnels and are not the the double flowers that they should be. We bought them in as new stock and we’ll raise the problem with the supplier. If you are dropping by, do call in for a refund.