I know the subject of this persistent rain is getting boring, but for the record:

– We had 11 times more rain in June than in April
– It’s only the 5th of July and we have already recorded more than May’s total rainfall.
– We have had three dry days out of the last 25

The rain is beginning to get dispiriting – life outside is stop/start and snatched between showers. Indoor work in the polytunnels is conducted under the deafening drone of rainfall – conversation is near impossible at times. The noise is wearing, the drains can’t cope and customers, like me, are waiting for better weather.

Well, enough complaining – who likes a whinger? So, here’s the good news. The heavy rain has driven everyone indoors and Debbie and Tracy have all but cleared the big greenhouse. I can’t seem to track down a ‘before’ photo, but it was a desolate scene of dead and near dead plants and endless trays of dead cuttings. The bin liners contain the bubblewrap that has pointlessly lined it for the last two years. With this main propagation greenhouse nearly operational, it is beginning to feel as if the heart of the nursery is coming back to life.