I took a bit of time out last week: after a hectic spring, three weeks at Tatton Show and a ten day sprint to our NGS day I was ready for a break. So, high rollers that we are, on Tuesday we went to Marbury Park (about 5 miles away) and walked to the Anderton Boat Lift which was well worth a visit. Thursday was chicken shed day – still unfinished I’m afraid, but we made some progress on the pen and scratched our heads a bit more over the roof. Yesterday we went to Llandudno for the day, strolled along the pier, had fish and chips and paddled in the sea. The closest we got to air travel was a trip on the Llandudno cable car to the Great Orme summit. So, with our summer holiday behind us it was back to the nursery today.

And very pleasant it was too – enough customers to make the day interesting, but few enough for me to get some plant work done too. The stiff breeze meant I spent much of the day repeatedly standing plants up (must use a heavier compost for tall plants next year), but the predicted downpour held off until this evening. I’m getting a bit tired of reading pessimistic weather summaries which don’t take into account the fact that daytime weather matters much more to most people than night time weather and a bad forecast puts people off going out. But the nights are most definitely lengthening and cooling – many plants aren’t going to grow much more now, so potting on has all but stopped – I don’t want them sitting around in wet compost more than necessary over winter.

Notes to self re the veg plot – great beans, Greyhound cabbages and red onions. Pink fir apple potatoes in pots were awesome. Must do better re succession sowing of salads and coriander especially (Took my eye off the ball in run up to Tatton). Spring planted garlic is a waste of time, Painted Lady runners look pretty in flower but shorter than Butler. Inca beans quick, tasty but few.

I promise to get my camera out tomorrow…