No day passes now without some thought towards next year. The new wholesale catalogues are in and I’ll be placing orders in a couple of weeks. At least I now have one year of customer feedback to figure out roughly what to get, but it will still be mostly guesswork.

But most of next year’s plants will come from our own material and I’m collecting a rich harvest of plump seeds almost every day. Thousands of little parcels of promise either sown straightaway or filed away for next spring. I’ve retrieved several plants off the nursery for cuttings or seeds, set them aside and check them each time I pass. But I noticed that some of the slim-flowered Salvias I set aside for propagation seem not to have set much or any seed, and watching the bees come and go from them you can see why. I’m not sure what they are pollinated by in their native South America, but it can’t be bees like ours. They seem to have figured out how to get at the nectar without the bother of crawling into the flower….

The garden still looks good with plenty of late summer colour. You’ll get a chance to see it for yourself on TV later in the year as some footage was filmed last week which should go out on GW in November. I’ll let you know when I have a date.