No time to grab the camera despite the gorgeous light. May’s sunshine has brought a flood of group visits, photography days, streams of visitors and plants flying out of the door at a rate of knots. I’ve been frantically restocking the tea room with clean mugs, biscuits and ice-cream and just as frantically keeping the flow of plants coming from the back tunnels. Janet and Tracey have been flat out with potting on and setting out plants and there’s lots more we could do if only we had more hours in a day.

It’s exhilarating and reassuring, but knackering too. I sleep like a log and have shed half a stone since Christmas, largely because I am continually on the move and burning up a lot of unnecessary nervous energy. It’s not lack of appetite, believe me, I wolf food down three or four meals a day and am back for seconds. No, the only thing really niggling at the back of my mind is Tatton Show – I really have to start setting plants aside and nurturing them properly. Every day that they sit around in too-small pots is a day less growing time. But I still have time to spare – so Sue, relax and repeat: – don’t panic, don’t panic, DON’T PANIC!!!!!