We’ve had no rain for over three weeks, but change is finally on it’s way with showers forecast in perfect time for the bank holiday weekend. Perhaps even stranger, the wind has been from the east for almost the past two months. IT’s so which is so odd for England – our dominant weather influence is always from the west.

Anyway, enough nerdy weather talk. The garden is looking lovely now, still fresh with it’s spring growth but full enough to look sumptuous, especially in the tight knit areas close to the house. In a break from my usual habit, I’ll post some vistas today rather than my more familiar close-ups.

A view of the scree garden from underneath the Crataegus ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ (Common name is May…). Those double red oriental poppies look great amongst the Pulsatilla seed heads.

A bit more of a close up of the scree.

The Persicaria has rather taken over this area, but it still looks brilliant, with that bank of perfectly upright pink spikes

OK, so this is a sort of close up vista, but this combination of Allium Purple Sensation with the Euphorbia palustris behind it is just so eye-catching.

And finally for now, a view you don’t get in summer because the foreground planting will be much too high, but for now you can see from the sundial garden through to the grasses garden and to a glimpse of the orchard beyond.

That’s all for now folks – normal service resumes shortly with some gorgeous species tulips, nectaroscordum and a new plant ident question…