In Jon McGregor’s beautiful little book ‘If no-one speaks of remarkable things’, he describes a pause in the middle of the night between the end of one day and the beginning of the new. A moment after the last club closes and before the milkman steps out. When the late night minicab driver has gone home but before the first hint of dawn. It’s a lovely imagined moment. Today feels much like that for me.

Christmas has come and gone with its lists, deadlines, socialisng and innate freneticism. So has the shortest day. Tomorrow is a Monday and the three day week ahead gives me just enough time for jobs and tasks not done over the break(including the vital task of updating my RHS plant finder entries!) So today feels exactly like the moment when last year has slipped away, yet the new year hasn’t properly begun. My own momentary pause, and I plan to enjoy it.

Back tomorrow with some new frosty pics of perennials which look wonderful in winter.