The 10 day mild spell has ended abruptly this week. We woke yesterday to a hard frost and a harder one this morning. A canal boat went by as I was tending to the chickens this morning (the canal runs along one side of the garden) and it only slowly dawned on me that the strange crackling sound accompanying the familiar chug of the engine was the sound of ice breaking around the hull as it broke through. The ice isn’t thick, but a thin layer re-freezes across the still canal surface in a few hours and boats are few and far between.

I said I’d post some pictures of perennials in the frost and I will, but not today. We spent the daylight hours painting the newly plastered walls downstairs and I have to get my RHS plant finder listing done. With all the building upheaval I can’t find the lists of plant order confirmations I’ve had through and have to tidy my desk and office to find them. Those of you who know me well will know how much of an ordeal that will be. Messing around posting photos on here is tempting by way of procrastination, but I dare not – the RHS deadline is too important.

However, here’s one I took last year, just to whet your appetites.
Phlomis russeliana, taken in Febuary 2008. The dead flower heads had stood all winter, looking fantastic in frost.