We often get temperatures 2C lower than forecast here, so this morning’s -7C was no surprise. Outdoor work is at a standstill – the ground has been frozen for weeks. Peter hasn’t been in – I hope he’s OK and just waiting for better weather. I could do some cutting back but I’m trying to stay off the grass as it just snaps underfoot. The nursery is frozen solid too. Only the greenhouse is ice-free, but I think it’s best left alone.

I’m more or less housebound during the day, as my old jalopy can’t get up the canal hill on the lane for ice. I got half way up yesterday, slid back down and had to ask my neighbour to pull me off the verge with his Land Rover. I spent most of yesterday afternoon spreading the sand left by our builders onto the lane to try and get some grip into it. On the plus side, I’m finally getting some paperwork done, so if you’ve been awaiting a reply from me from pre-Christmas correspondence, it’s probably on its way, at last.

Of course, frost on plants is wonderfully photogenic. If it wasn’t so cold, I’d set up the tripod and take some proper pics, but it’s more ‘snap and run’ weather. Grasses get the big thumbs up from me this winter. The frost shows them off beautifully and highlights the finer differences between them.

Deschampsia caespitosa, probably ‘Northern Lights’
….and in close up

Stipa tenuissima ‘Wind Whispers’ makes a mass of white candyfloss fluff in frost, but perks up nicely when it thaws out. Behind it is Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ which didn’t flower this year, but makes an attractive stand of curly-ended fine leaves anyway.

Just off to get some more – back in a bit…