The snow has played havoc with my plans for January. I was going to prune the apple trees, finish planting the shrubs at Lion Salt Works, lift the turf under the orchard trees ready for the wildflower meadow seeds, create new nursery plant bays etc. etc. All very proper, western work-ethicky things to do once the Christmas break is over.

But thwarted by temperatures between -8C and -4C during the day, I’ve spent hours just gazing at the world outside – the snow, the shapes of ice crystals, the birds, passers by with pink cheeks, plumply wrapped against the cold, cars attempting the slope up to the brige and just as often reversing back again a few moments later to try again. It’s all very slow for me, I’m not used to such enforced inactivity.

Yes, there have been snow related jobs, tracking down frozen pipes to defrost, clearing snow for the chickens. But there’s no point doing anything in the nursery right now. It’s time to stop, and watch.