Today we finally got to sit back a bit and look around at other gardens and to stroll through the floral marquee. Just as well we had something to do as we were judged first thing this morning and the medals were awarded this evening so we were more than a bit jittery for most of the day. Bob and I had to receive ours under the full glare of the camera as Joe Swift fished it out of his back pocket to present it to us. After several takes it was getting a bit warm and bendy by the time we finally got to tuck it safely into our stand!

It’s always hard to be completely objective about your own garden, but we had just about decided that it felt as if it deserved a Silver Gilt, so it was something of a relief to have it safely in our hands. And still the elusive gold to aim for…

Here’s a picture of it which I took last night – don’t know why but I forgot to take any today, which is why the gardens behind us look unfinished. I’ll take some close ups tomorrow. We’re definitely on the coverage on Thursday night and the bits we’ve seen of it so far look really good – it does have the advantage of being a very photogenic garden.