Sunday brings our fourth NGS day since I took over 18 months ago. The meadow is newly mowed and baled so we’re not facing a repeat of last year’s frantic meadow clearing to create parking space for 80 cars (the farmer’s baler broke down last year). I’ve also subcontracted out the cakes and teas to a wonderful local charity the Children’s Adventure Farm in Knutsford, so that’s one less thing to sort out. And the whole thing is less of a worry this time – I know roughly what to expect, weather permitting…

So after almost three weeks out of touch at Tatton Show, it’s been lovely to have a few clear days in the garden. Peter and I (but mostly Peter) have worked our way round almost all of it, tidying, dead-heading, mowing, edging and selectively cutting back to help the garden reveal it’s best. And the best by far are the two new borders. It’s fun telling visitors that these were planted from scratch this April, using mostly small plants from the nursery or seeds sown this spring. They are always slightly incredulous – understandably. It’s not perfect – I’ll move some plants for next year and change one or two things, but overall they do look great.