The apple trees are in blossom and it’s good to see that I got the pruning right, since there is plenty of flower quite evenly spread, despite fairly extensive structural renovation. Thankfully the cold spell is over and fruit set should be good.

Bramley flower buds, fat, pink and sumptuous.

I don’t know the variety of this fabulous cooking apple tree – but the fruit is gorgeous – pale green and blushing.

The Williams pear tree flowered a week ago, just after the last cold spell. It seems to have set fruit beautifully.

Not so the plum, which flowered just before the last frosts and the flowers burned off. It is trying to flower again, but its moment has gone.

But one beneficiary of the frost is this lovely crab apple – ‘John Downie’, I think. The round bumps all over it are the tree’s defensive response to woolly aphid, with which it was badly infested last year. But the frosts have killed off almost all of them – you can just make out a few if you look carefully. I’ll finish off the last of them with fatty acid soap spray and hopefully it will be a happier, healthier tree this year.