The year-long chicken project finally reached its zenith today with the arrival of four gorgeous hens. All four are roughly eighteen week old point of lay birds and very pretty they are too. One is a white Sussex and one a brown Jasmine (lays green eggs apparently). I’m not sure about the other two, but one is black with white markings, like a reversed Sussex and the fourth is the prettiest grey hen with scallop feather patterns. We sneaked out to the shed an hour ago and they seemed content enough, roosting on the bar in the shed, tight packed together at one end. They look a bit startled here, but you would too with a camera flashing at you.

We’ll get a few more once these have settled into a routine. Holly wants us to get some battery farm rescue hens which is fine by me.

On the horticultural front, the Paulownia root cuttings that I took about 3 weeks ago have already sprouted and rooted – that was easy! So have the Eryngium cuttings that I took a bit earlier. I’m wondering whether it doesn’t make more sense to take root cuttings in late summer rather than in winter – they seem to get going so quickly.